Thursday, 23 April 2009


Reaching for the door of opportunity
to find freedom
and break free.
The air is stale,
It is suffocating.
The 6 walls around me
Leave me in an enclosed cube.
I’m trapped!
The feeling that a Giant
like Goliath
Stands 6 feet tall
before me is prominent.
My flesh, weak and frail
Held together by ligaments of fear
Gives in, crumbling under the pressure
Of this challenge.
A giant within and a mountain before me –
An enclosure that needs a big God
To expose me.


This poem was talks about being trapped, not only physically in a house or something but being trapped by your thoughts and memories.It's when you keep remembering the things you want to forget that makes you feel trapped!

© The poets voice~~~ April 2009, All rights reserved.

17 voices have spoken:

Bibi said...

this is very good. i likey

Robyn.K.Y said...

some talent
i love the Bravura

TouchyMiMi said...

I feel like this a lot of times!
This is great!
Keep the poems coming girl! U r talented!
U know say I luff u! lol

Omo Oba said...

a big God is wat we all need...

The poets voice ~~~ said...

@ Bibi- thanx a lot.

@ Robyn - thanx for the compliments!

@ TouchyMiMi - thank u girl! u knw say i luff u

@ Omo Oba - That's true indeed.

Daring said...

Straight and simple language.
Nice one there!

Jennifer A. said...

I think this template is fabulous, and if it is too much work to manage two different blogs I say you can update here more than on the other one.

I like this poem: do you know that sometimes we trap ourselves in a box of our own emotions, when nothing demands it? We create our own Goliaths and build up our own prisons...we create fables even before the real ones appear...

The poets voice ~~~ said...

@ Daring- Thank you

@ Jaycee- yes indeed,we do trap ourselves in our box of emotions..that's when we let fear take over and put faith in the back seat!
...and thnx for the piece of advice, i think i'll do just that.

Thnx for stoppin by!

Lindah said...

I love the template.
The poem's touching,but impossibilities are the easiest things for God to solve. Thanks for sharing.

David C Brown said...

"Christ has set us free ..." - would be good for you and me. But from His side "Christ has set us free in freedom."

The poets voice ~~~ said...

@ lindah- thanx, and u're right.. impossiblities become possibilities with God!

@ David C Brown- couldn't say it better! thanx for stopping by mine.

Anonymous said... only is ur poem good it comes with commentary...I LOVE!!!!

I sincerely do...nice one here...

Today's ranting said...

This is really creative. I feel this is me. Well, I actually feel this way sometimes. Sounds like the voice of someone trying to break free from the uneccessary wall they have created for themself.

Today's ranting said...

I just had to read through all your poems. Loving the creativity here.

The poets voice ~~~ said...

@ Chari - thanks, thanks..I appreciate it!

@ Today's ranting - yh dats the idea beind the poem.Thanx for the compliments, appreciate it!

The Activist said...

I relate with this peom. But we can get out by becoming the giant in and out, it's hard but doable

poeticallytinted said...

This should be my first time here. I am really happy to find more and more real hardcore poetry blogs.

Good stuff. :) thanks for stopping at mine the other day...