Friday, 10 July 2009

Who is God?

God is the beginning and the end
He is the everlasting friend
He knitted me together in my mother’s womb
He raised his son that was put in a tomb
He knew me from birth
And he created this earth
The heaven is his throne
And everything in this world is his own

God is love
He tells me right from wrong
He is a father to the fatherless
And also help to the helpless
He watches where I go so that I don’t fall
And he answers me when I call
He knows my name
And he has unending fame

He created the skies
And in it he put everything that flies
He made the sun shine
And he is good all the time

He is the way the truth and the life
Anyone who believes in him shall never die
He is a supernatural being
The one that has ever been
He does not forsake or leave me
But he hears our every rhythm
He is our saviour
And the world’s creator

The alpha and omega
The everlasting king
The Lord of Lords
The creator of heaven and earth
The one whom our praises are due
The one whom we give all the glory
He alone is God.

© The poets voice~~~ July 2009, All rights reserved.

I wrote this a few years back in my early teens when I was just discovering my talent in poetry...I saw poems on this topic and I thought I would write my own...As I took the pen and paper, I just let my thoughts flow...I thought of who God was to me, what He had done and the words came... I hope this speaks to you as you read!

8 voices have spoken:

David C Brown said...

The Scripture speaks about the God "with whom we have to do"; this reminder me of that.

Grace be with you!

Jennifer A. said...

It really did speak to did. Whenever I get to answer this question, "Who is God?" My heart drifts away to somewhere I can't describe...

No matter how many times I try, or how many words I use...He can't be fully described...really...

Tendayi said...

its amazing how well we hear Gods word when we are so young,it is so honest and true. That is Who He says He is. Blessings

Blogoratti said...

Nice indeed..

The poets voice ~~~ said...

@ David C brown- Grace be unto you also.

@ Jaycee- Our God is bigger than our wisdom, He surpasses all understanding, he stretches farther than our imagination and we just cannot fathom who he is!

@ Talitha Koum- He is the I am that I am.God bless you.

@blogoratti- Thank you..I appreciate you stopping by my blog.

Unknown said...

my my my
I love this

Unknown said...

while i am not a cristian as Nature is my one and only God that I am apart of I still can tell that your God had a hand in the making of this poem

The poets voice ~~~ said...

@ Olamild- thanx,how are you btw?

@ David E Patton- Yes indeed! My God lives all around me and HE is present in everything I do!