Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Connected/In your presence

Head bowed
Hands raised
Heart in total surrender
Waiting to hear from you
The simple pleasure of gazing into your eyes
Being still before you
Blissful Intimacy
For our hearts to be connected
Basking in your presence, not expecting anything in return
Burdens laid at your feet
In you I know I am complete
Nothing really satisfies
Like when you hold me and call me by name
The work, the money, and the cars – they don’t gratify.
Remaining in your love and enjoying your company
Soul longing for you as the deer longs for water
In your presence
Where all fear is gone
I find my rest
In your presence
Your Ubiquitous essence
Encompasses me round about.
In that place where I belong
Seeking you with all my heart till I find you there
The fullness of my joy
My refuge and strength
A very present help
I can come before you with singing and thanksgiving
Early in the morning
Receiving what you say
As a precious treasure; a heart-felt love letter
Till I connect with you.

© The poets voice~~~ July 2010, All rights reserved.

1 voices have spoken:

Sam Oracle said...

You make me feel the connection.
Yet another beautiful piece